Vermont Fall colors, interpreted through camera shakes or pans or reflections, or with car headlights, or just close reading.
Some Men
Just a Juxtaposition; Just American men in a couple of different locations, costumes, contexts. One is some guys at a meeting of the Economic Club, and the other of some guys marketing underwear at the Gay Pride Day event.
Ravens Collect Themselves
Ravens, typically solitary or in mated pairs, become gregarious in the fall when they mass together to start their southern migration.
Color Casts
In olden days shooting daylight film at night produced slides or negatives with pronounced color cast. I titled this 1982 Kodachrome cityscape from Hamlet, North Carolina, "Hamlet Under Vapors of Mercury", but I'm not certain that mercury vapor lights cause the overwhelming green, or if they were sodium vapor or even flourescent lights.
Seeing More Foliage Differently
It's October 15 and the big winds have yet to strip the hardwoods, the leaves continue to die brilliantly; I take time, between tilling the garden and climbing on the roof to clean the chimneys, to use my picture-making machine as a broom, sweeping up the color.